Expressive Adventures in Book Arts

Thursday, May 20, 2010

MAY WORKSHOP - You are invited into the world of BIRDS

Imagine life on the wing, songs at dawn, and a house that
sways in the wind. 

We will be making a clever double pamphlet and exploring the place of rhythm and space in books as we soar into the world of birds.

To register contact

Thursday May 27, 7:00-9:00 pm
The Little Schoolhouse at Pleasant Plains Presbyterian Church
2 Fiddlers Bridge Road, Staatsburg, NY
Saturday May 29, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Clinton Community Library,
1215 Centre Road, Rhinebeck NY

This is the 5th of six free monthly book arts workshops designed to
to spread awareness and enjoyment of this rich art form.
You are invited to join the fun!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

APRIL WORKSHOP - Japanese Stab Binding Meets Water

Japanese stab binding sharpened wits. Everyone learned four-hole binding and some  people boldly incorporated the more challenging tortoise shell and hemp leaf designs in their books.  Water proved compelling. In its ebb and flow on a variety of papers, water generated ink-wash images and added sculptural surprise to books by warping and wrinkling the pages. Water even evoked poetry.

Each water book took us all to a unique world; an exploration of pattern and rhythm, memories of the ocean's edge, expressions of grief, a place of rocks and snakes, appreciations of a world shaped by water, to describe just a few. What exciting books! And what fun to enjoy a book making adventure in good company.

Cheers to you all,

Thursday workshop group water poem

life above and below the water
a worm, a long worm snake,
a snaky worm
raindrops on water
Ania Aldrich

Deanna Touhey

Jo Ann Innello
Karen Holtslag

Pam Wright

Saturday Workshop group poem

a landscape
a road
a lake
a sausage casing
and a ribbon
I see a path
flower bed
a marsh
a person

Susan Appollo
Glenda Schwarz

Diane Johnson

Annie Scibienski

Debbie Stone

Cait Johnson

Terry Sennett

Betty Vera

Josette Lee
Angela Balletto