Expressive Adventures in Book Arts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

More Pop-Up Adventures

Early on, Karen made a series of diagonal cuts in the crease of her paper and did a little folding that made an elegant and mysterious pattern.  As we all tried our own experiments we couldn't describe how we made things to each other in words, but grabbed scissors and paper to demonstrate instead.  There was a whole lot of snippin' going on and lots of fun and delight, as always.  And we were treated to Roberts glorious photos from Mexico as well!

Karen Summerlin's elegant, mysterious structure

Karen used a variation of the previous structure and pulled paper through cuts to create a winged pop-up.

Debbie Stone used thin strips of paper to create dimension and to bind her books.. 



 Jo Renbeck played with Karen's structure and added pin holes to make frogs.

Jo liked the tall cactus shaped like columns in Robert's Mexico photos.
Robert Leavitt

Robert adapted a pop- up structure to make this sun burst shape that casts shadows.

Library patrons stopped by to see what we were doing today.  Several asked, "Do you have to have art experience to do this?"  The answer is no. A lovely aspect of book making is that you can jump in at any level and enjoy the process.