Expressive Adventures in Book Arts

Saturday, December 4, 2010

November and the OED

     Making books together is always full of wonderful surprises. We came, as planned, with our senses full of November ready to make books. And Susan came with news of the Oxford English Dictionary and its initiative, Save the Words.  Susan reported that hundreds of words slip out of the language each year from disuse.  At, she adopted a word and promised to use it.  Her word is pocket-handkerchief which much to our surprise we all found ourselves using throughout the evening. 
        November found its way into this month's expressive and inventive books.  It came as bare branches, caves in which to hibernate, brooding sunsets, and a harvest of seasonal joys. And pocket-handkerchief made an appearance too, as you will see.  Thanks to all for an evening of rich fun!
Santha Cooke
Susan Appollo
Debbie Stone
Jo Renbeck
Gail Gates