Expressive Adventures in Book Arts

Thursday, August 26, 2010


ARTIST BOOK GATHERING, a  group for people who enjoy making books together, met for the first time in August.

This month, our subject was Under the Summer Sun.  Memories and impressions brought by members of the group included the smell of hydrangea in the heat, a ginkgo leaf, the bite of a deer tick, visions of the beach, a fleeting whiff of fall in the air, and paper folded like the spreading rays of the sun.   Artist books took shape in great spirit and variety.

One of the exciting prospects of this group, ARTIST BOOK GATHERING, is the opportunity it offers for sharing ideas and supporting one another in finding solutions to the interesting puzzles of book making.  Another exciting prospect is the adventure of seeing wonderful, unique artist books come into being.

And now we've begun.  Such fun!!!

Lorrie Fredette

Laura Best-Macia
Cindy Vanstone
Donna Wasilewski
Rose Ann Boyle
Nora Theresa Campbell
Gail  Gates
Miriam Frischer
Susan Bissonnette
Karen Summerlin
Pam Wright
Josette Lee
Debbie Stone

Here are two intriguing folded forms that Pam Wright showed us in the Saturday gathering.  She used a third folded form in the book she made that day.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

VOLVELLES Bloom with Unexpected Surprises in June Workshops

The subject was BLOSSOM.  The book form was the VOLVELLE, a  book comprised of two flat circle "pages" joined at their center points in such a way that they can rotate independently.  During rotation, openings cut into the top page reveal words or imagery on the under page.

The form made our heads spin with possibilities and as always in these workshops, each person brought her own vision to the project and created a stunning adventure of a book.

Thursday Group

Karin Lempke
Melanie Gates

Rose Anne Boyle
Gail Gates

Lorraine Hartin Gelardi
Mimi Graminski

Deanna Touhey
Karen Summerlin

Saturday Group

Betty Vera
Lois Linet

Josette Lee
Pam Wright

Miriam Frischer
Rachel Hanka

Congratulations one and all on your inspired innovations with this dizzying book form.  And thanks, as always, for all the fun of making art in community with you.
